Do you have company coming this holiday season, are you looking for a fun and festive way to serve some of your appetizers at the next family dinner? Then Tialys is the nifty Etsy shop you've been looking for!
Tialys offers up some lovely little 'tid-bits' for the home, from Luscious Lavender sachets to Whimsical Bookend Owls to quaint Embroidery Hoop Wall Hangings, these lovely treasures would spruce up any room of the home, including the guestroom (hint, hint!).
Here's some more about Lynn from Tialys :
'I have a compulsion to create. I am not happy unless I have made something each day and my head is always so full of what I want to make next that I often find it hard to fall asleep at night.
First, I fall in love with a fabric and have to make something with it. This happens a lot so keep watching for different items and ideas. I don't really like making the same thing twice so my items will most often be one of a kind.'
First, I fall in love with a fabric and have to make something with it. This happens a lot so keep watching for different items and ideas. I don't really like making the same thing twice so my items will most often be one of a kind.'
And here are some of my favorite treasures from Tialys :
$17.50 USD
$45.00 USD
$4.20 USD
$18.00 USD
Lynn also makes these wonderful Fabric Tubbys, and one lucky winner is going to receive their own Scandinavian Style Deer Tubby.
$15.00 USD
'Cosy little fabric tub for filling with goodies.
Curl up with this little fabric tubby but not before filling it with your favourite snacks. Something about the shape and feel of these makes me want to tuck my feet under myself on a squashy sofa and watch an old weepy movie on the T.V. with some chocs. (You can always throw it in the wash if it gets tearstained). One of my lovely customers told me that in Denmark, similar little tubs are used for serving bread at mealtimes.
Top quality fabric, lined with a Scandinavian design cotton/linen blend, edged with red and with wadding in between so that it stands up by itself and feels all cuddly and tubby (hence the name!).
Curl up with this little fabric tubby but not before filling it with your favourite snacks. Something about the shape and feel of these makes me want to tuck my feet under myself on a squashy sofa and watch an old weepy movie on the T.V. with some chocs. (You can always throw it in the wash if it gets tearstained). One of my lovely customers told me that in Denmark, similar little tubs are used for serving bread at mealtimes.
Top quality fabric, lined with a Scandinavian design cotton/linen blend, edged with red and with wadding in between so that it stands up by itself and feels all cuddly and tubby (hence the name!).
The tubby measures 4”high x 7”wide x6”deep.'
Open to : Everyone (US/Can/Int)
Ends : October 1, 2010
Ends : October 1, 2010
Mandatory Entry
Visit Tialys and let us know what else you love. This entry must be completed first, remember to leave your email address!
Extra Entries
- +1 extra entry : Follow The Candid Reviewer via Google Friend Connect
- +1 extra entry : Heart Tialys on Etsy
- +1 extra entry : Follow The Candid Reviewer on Twitter
- +1 extra entry : Like The Candid Reviewer on Facebook
- +1 extra entry : Tweet the following (can be done once daily)
Enter to win a Fabric Tubby from Tialys and @candidreviewer here (Int.) (01/10)
- +2 extra entries : Subscribe to The Candid Reviewer's email list (left sidebar)
- +2 extra entries : Grab my button (right sidebar) and put it on your blog, please leave the link
- +5 extra entries : Purchase something from Tialys
- +5 extra entries : Blog about this giveaway, please leave the link in your comments
All opinions expressed in this post are my own, and have not been influenced in any way. I was not paid for hosting this giveaway.

I love the Pink Kittens fabric tubby.
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I love the Etui Box- Little Housekeeper- A Little House to Keep Things In - Japanese Garden.
I love the Etui Box - Little Housekeeper - A Little House to Keep Things In - 'Ebony and Ivory'
clenna at aol dot com
I love the Etui Box - Little Housekeeper - A Little House to Keep Things In - 'Ebony and Ivory'
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Love this! Chartreuse Kid Mohair Mini Dress or Tunic just beautiful!
tracyschultz AT yahoo DOT com
I love the Fabric Tubby for Sharing, Snacking or Storage - Safari Animals! So cute, my kids would love that. Thanks for the great giveaway!
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i really love the Fabric Tubby for Sharing, Snacking or Storage - Safari Animals at gmail dot com
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I love the Red Stripe French Linen.
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Beside the etui box i also love the Hexagonal Etui Sewing or Treasure Box - Scissors, they're both so cute!
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I love PDF Tutorial for Small Etui Box - Sewing Box, Treasure Box, Memory Keeper, Gift Box
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I love Incredibly Generous Tags for Incredibly Generous Gifts - Alice and Friends!
Fabric Tubby for Sharing, Snacking or Storage - Time for Tea this is what i love among others
I love the handknitted Circular Scarf or Cowl. They are beautiful in their various colors.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
I love the cupcakes noticeboard, the print is so cute!
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I love the French Lavender and Linen Lavender Sachets - London Look!
Thank you!
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I like the Etui Box little housekeeper
Im a email subscriber
i like the kitten tubby. cute!
thank you!
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My favourite item is the 'French Noticeboard - Cupcakes'
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Chartreuse Kid Mohair Mini Dress is my fav!
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dinnertimechimes at aol dot com
This little house etui is adorable and I love the music on the side:
I like Etui Box - Little Housekeeper - A Little House to Keep Things In - 'Ebony and Ivory'. eclairre(at)ymail(Dot)com
One thing I love is the Cafe Culture Pillow at
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i love Vintage French Linen and Vintage Crochet Lavender Pillow
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Fabric Tubby for Sharing, Snacking or Storage - Pixie Party. I love the fabric choices and the little "follow your dreams" tag inside makes you all warm inside. :)
tabletformemory at yahoo dot com
I love the Le Shabby Chic wall hanging!
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i love the soft haqnd knitted circular cowel scarf
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I love the cafe coture pillow. :D
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i like Blackheart - A Whimsical Monster Owl - Little Bookend
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I love the French Noticeboard - Cupcakes.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I love the French Tea Towel Owl. Ahh, Paris! :D
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My faviest item there is
Good luck for me and everyone :)
Anw, i also have giveaway, it is F21 statement ring.
Have time, or want to try your luck? Join it. Cause merrier is more fun.
Hi, gorgeous giveaway. Please enter me.
I am already follower trough google friend connecter name liz.
Good luck for me and everyone :)
Anw, i also have giveaway, it is F21 statement ring.
Have time, or want to try your luck? Join it. Cause merrier is more fun.
Like The Candid Reviewer on Facebook name doki doki co
Good luck for me and everyone :)
Anw, i also have giveaway, it is F21 statement ring.
Have time, or want to try your luck? Join it. Cause merrier is more fun.
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gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com
I like the Fabric Tubby for Sharing, Snacking or Storage - Safari Animals
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so many lovely items! I love Fabric Tubbier - A Bigger Soft Storage Solution (and few more things).:-)
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
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The French Noticeboard - Petit Pois is beautiful! tylerpants(at)
I'm a GFC follower. tylerpants(at)
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Oh my goodness, the Hexagonal Etui Sewing/Treasure Box with the Kawaii Red Riding Hood print is just too adorable for words! So crafty, I love it! peanut[at]
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I like Chartreuse Kid Mohair Mini Dress or Tunic.
ale84.vercelli at hotmail dot it
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